Strippit Super 30/30, Custom 18/30 and Other
Strippit Single-Station Punch Machines
Machine Models, Some History, and Some Trouble-Shooting

George Wales Founded the Strippit Company in 1925. Some Early Products were
Preloaded-Spring Self-Stripping Punch Unit and Single-Station Punch Machines that
used this Strippit-Style of Tooling. Since then, Strippit Co. has been Bought, Sold and Traded like a Poker-Chip. Current Owner LVD Stupidly Sold-Off "Strippit-Tooling"
to Wilson Tool Co. in 2001. This Style Tooling is Now Known as "Thin-Turret Tooling".
Note, There is More on Tooling Sizes & Types Towards BOTTOM of THIS Web-Page
under "Punch Tooling Sizes" & "Punch Tooling" Sections Below. READ--IT!
And there are 6 Tooling Co. Web-Links at Bottom of Web-Page "Strippit vs Amada".

LVD-Strippit has Also Stupidly Abandoned Manufacturing All "SAF" Machines
(Semi-Automated Fabricator) which Strippit called their Single-Station Manual Machines.
I will Divide S.A.F. Machines that Strippit Made, into 2 Broad Categories.
First Machine Category is Early-Type Punch Machines made 1925 to 1960. These
Machines had Flywheel on Back of Machine, used Awkward Punch Tool-Holder that Fit
Into Machine's Table Top, and were made in Models 10A, 10AA, 15A, Etc.  Some
Models had a Duplicator Option. You would Punch a Master Pattern-Sheet, put it in
Duplicator Holder, then Manually move Stylus to each Pattern-Hole. Duplicator would
move Work-Sheet at same time under Punch Ram, and you would Punch Sheet as you
moved to each new position. There are Little or No Parts & Service Support Available
for Pre-1960 Machines. If you need a Part, you need to Make-It in a Machine Shop or
look for a cheap "Parts" Machine from a Used Machine Dealer, Auction, or Ebay.
We at Machine Technologies, Do Not-Support these Early Machines in Any-Way, As
We have a Firm Policy of NOT Working on Machines that are Older Than Our Wives.
Strippit Model 10AA Machine
Strippit Model 15A Machine
Strippit Model 10A Machine
with Duplicator
and Old-Style Punch-Holder
Second Machine Category is Late-Type Punch Machines made 1960 to early 1990's.

Most Machines were Mechanical using "New-Style Hydra-Mechanical Head" with
2-Flywheels in Front of Machine, with 1 on Each Side of Frame. There was also
2 Hydraulic Machines Made, Super 30/40HD and Super 36/75. All used New-Style
"Swing-Arm" Punch Tool-Holders that Locked under Punch-Head and was Easier to
use than Old-Style Arm-Holder.  Punch Holders came in 4 Sizes, 1 1/4 Inch,
2x2 Inch Notch, and 3 1/2 Inch for 30 Ton Machines. 40 & 75 Ton Machines also
used Optional 5 Inch Holders. NOTE! Sizes Refer to Largest PUNCH-Size that
Holder Could Take, and Is NOT the Actual Hole-Size in Swing-Arm Holder!

Machines Models Sonic 18/30, Custom 18/30, Custom 30/30, Custom 30/40, Super 30/40
(Mechanical), Super 30/40HD (Hydraulic), and the Most-Popular Super 30/30.
Model Name means following; "Custom" means the Work-Table is Fixed in it's Position,
where "Super" means Work-Table can be Moved Up or Down several Inches in Relation
to Punch-Die Top Surface with a Hand-Crank Wheel on Lower Front of Machine.
Moving Table Down gives you Clearance around Die, so you could Punch
a Hole in a Metal Box, Angle-Iron, or some other Already Formed Metal Part.

First Number, as in 18/30, means Throat-Clearance, in this case 18 Inches. Second
Number Means Tonnage Machine Supposedly could Punch. These "30 Ton Machines"
were Not Really 30 Ton Machines, they Spray-Out Oil & Break Piston if used on Full-Capacity 30 Ton Holes or 1/4" Thick Materials. I Advise NOT Using them on over 20 Ton punch-holes or thick material. Buy a Super 30/40HD Hydraulic for High-Tonnage Holes!
Super 30/40-Mechanical Machines were made in 1960's & 1970's, and were just a
Super 30/30 with Bigger Flywheels & Motor and were Definitely NOT 40 Ton Machines!
Strippit Model Sonic 15B,
Old-Style Machine with New Style Swing-Arm Punch-Holder
Strippit Custom 18/30 Machine
Strippit Super 30/30 Machine
with Table-Extension Option
Strippit Super 36/75

In 1960's & 1970's, Strippit made the
Super 36/75 Machine.

These were Very Heavy-Duty Machines
with a 36 Inch Throat and
Could Punch 75 Ton Holes!

They used a Hydraulic Piston Driving a
Mechanical Knuckle-Mechanism that
Drove the Punch-Ram.
Because of Problems trying to Punch 30 & 40 Ton Holes with Mechanical 30/30 & 30/40
Machines, Strippit came out with Super 30/40HD (Hydraulic) Machine in 1976. These
Machines had No-Flywheels and used 10HP Electric Motor & Pump to Power Hydraulic
Ram Punch-Head. Machines would Punch an Honest 40-Ton Hole and were Best Strippit
S.A.F. Machines.  Recommended to punch Big Holes in Thick Material or Stainless Steel.

Some Used Machine Dealers list mechanical Super 30/40 Machines as the Superior
Super 30/40HD Hydraulic machines, because they Do Not Know any Better, or are
Dishonest. Always Check-Out Machines Carefully BEFORE You Buy, NOT After!
And Make Sure you get BOTH 1 1/4" & 3 1/2" Swing-Arm Holders and 1 1/4" Die-Adaptor!
Strippit Super 30/40HD Machine
Painted 1980's Yellow & Racing Stripes
Strippit Super 30/40HD Machine
Painted in The 1970's Puke-Green
This page was last updated: September 7, 2024
I specialize in  Strippit  HECC80-Control Turret-Machines.
  However As a Service to You,  I Add to This Web-Page  Trouble-Shooting  
and  Repair-Information for Single-Station Strippit Punch Machines.

I have a Few Repair & Operation Manuals  For-Sale,  and  Repair Parts Listed on this Webpage.   Buy a Manual  and  Learn to Maintain & Repair Machine Yourself!
If You Need  Field-Service Repairs  In Your Shop,   Call These Servicemen;

Tom Penrod,  Tracy, CA   Phone 209-814-7626    West-Coast Service Area.

Joe Normoyle,  La Puenta, CA   Phone 626-826-0007  West-Coast   Retired!

Denis Porter   R.I.P  7/9/10  was  Best In The World   Repairing  S.A.F. Machines.

Alan Suda   708-826-9845  Mid-West.  Good on  S.A.F.  &  CNC   Retired!

Bob Kelly   815-355-0531  Mid-West.  Good on  S.A.F.  &  Fanuc CNC Machines

Carl Wilson  909-633-9050  Los Angles & West Coast.   S.A.F.  &  CNC Machines.

More servicemen listed "Independent Strippit Control & Machine Repair Service"
Web-Page,  &  All  6  U.S. Punch-Tooling Companies are Listed at Bottom of My
"Strippit vs Amada"   Web-Page.    Use The  Hot-Link  Buttons  Below!
Trouble-Shooting & Repairs
S.A.F. Machines are Quite Reliable. But Most Shops Do NO Maintenance At All,
Machines are now 35 to 64+ years old, and Maintenance "Rocket-Scientists"
may have Modified Electrical Components, they certainly develop issues.
Some Common Problems are Listed lower in This Web-Page.
1--- Swing-Arm Holders
Often Shops Buy a Used Machine but, Fail to get
Both 1 1/4" and 3 1/2" Holders! Or when Using Machine, Operators switch Back & Forth
between 2 Holders. Eventually a holder Falls Off Machine Table and Hits-The-Floor.
Holder will then break into 2 pieces because Strippit's Holders were Brittle Cast-Iron.
You CAN NOT Fix-It, Many have Tried! Our's were Made of Cast Steel but, are Sold-Out!
6 --- Hooks & Handles
Left & Right Hooks and Left & Right Handles Lock-In Swing-Arm Holders to Machine.
Very Commonly Worn-Out on Single-Station Machines so Will NOT Stay Locked-In to
Keep Swing-Arm Holder Tightly-Closed & Aligned. This Allows Swing-Arm Holder to
Move and Wobble causing Punch and Dies to Hit & Wear & Break with Bad Punched-Hole Quality. If your Knuckle-Head Operators have Bungee-Cords Holding Handles-Closed so
it Will Punch it will NOT Hold-Alignment when Punching and your Hooks & Handles are Worn-Out! Usually Replacing Hooks & Cams & Lock-Pins will Fix Problem!
New Handles are Not Available, but are usually OK. May Require New Black Delron
Cams to be Replaced, which are in Our Kit. Some Early Machines used Steel-Cams.
7--- Maintenance

If you do Not have a
Manual for Your Machine
You Need To Get One!
and Read--It!
We have a few Manuals
left for
Custom 18/30
Super 30/30
Super 30/40 HD
5 --- Bushings
1 1/4" & 3 1/2" Swing-Arm Holder Bushings Wear-Out from Operators NOT using
Molykote GN Grease on Tooling! 
Wear allows Tools to Move & Deflect, causing 
Tool-Wear & Burred Holes. If you can Rock a
 New Tool Back & Forth Much, Bushing is Worn and should be Replaced & Aligned.

#100734-000 3 1/2" Bushing
#100230-000 1 1/4" Bushing, 2.375" Flange
At Right is a 0 & 270 Degree Bushing.
Degrees are Counted Clockwise from Front.
Original #62533-000 Bushings Not available.
Some Old 1 1/4" Bushings may measure
2.437" across Top-Flange, use 2.375" Now.
8 --- Grease Your Bearings!
Left & Right Crankshaft Bearings, Pitman Bearing, and
Ram-Housing Need to be Greased Every Week. If you don't,
Bearings Gall-Up & Drag on Crankshaft, Slows Crank Speed causing Loss of Punch Tonnage, Crank can Grind to a Halt & Motor Overload will Trip-Out. You now need Very Expensive Machine Rebuild. Strippit specified Mobil EP1 grease but,
I only use Synthetic Grease which Protects & Performs Better
at High & Low Temperatures & does not dry-out and turn to thick-wax! I use Mobil Synthetic
"RED Grease" Mobilith SHC220 and Mobil-1 Grease
Chain grease-gun to Machine or it will Grow Legs & Walk-Away!
9 --- Maintain Proper Oil Level
Inside Punch-Head! Rotate
Right-Flywheel Until Scribed
"B.D.C.  Line" (Bottom Dead-Center) is Lined-Up with Bottom of Electrical Box
Use #49579-000 Dip-Stick to Maintain
Proper Level of Mobil  DTE-24Oil
or Mobil-1  0W-20  SAE Motor Oil
Do NOT Confuse ISO & SAE  Oil Grades!
Grainger Co. is 1 Source of DTE-24 Oil.
Use an Old-Fashion Oil-Can to add Oil through Trap-Door on Top of Piston.
Too-Little Oil will Short-Stroke Punch.
Too-Much  Oil may Over-Stroke
and Spray-Out Oil while Punching.

Chain Your Dip-Stick to Machine  or it
will Grow Little-Legs and Walk-Away!
If Your's is Already Gone, We have
Punch-Head Dip-Sticks In-Stock!
4 --- Lock-Pins
#62560-000 Set of 2 Lock-Pins on Each Swing-Arm that the Hooks
Lock-on to. Lube with Light Oil, should be able to Rotate Freely or will Develop a Wear-Spot Alignment Problem and need to be Replaced. When Replacing Hooks & Handles Always Replace
Lock-Pins. 1 Set of Pins comes in "Hook & Handle Repair Kit" but most Machines have 1 1/4"  Swing-Arm and 3 1/2" Swing-Arm,
So you Need EXTRA Set of Lock-Pins for your 2nd  Swing-Arm.
12 ---  Some Common Electrical Problems.  This Section Applies to  Custom 18/30,
Custom 30/30,   Super 30/30,   Custom 30/40-Mechanical,  and  Super 30/40-Mechanical  Machines.   Does Not  Apply to Hydraulic Machines  Super 30/40HD  and  Super 36/75.

Trouble-Shooters need to Understand that SAF's were made for over 40 Years with
Many Variations in  Electrical Wiring,  Electrical Components,  and  Mechanical
Components.   You need to Understand how it Works  &  a Maintenance Manual with
Electrical Schematic  to do any Trouble-Shooting.  Manual has Trouble-Charts & Theory.

As a Rule,   an  Electrical Device  Fails  in  1  of  2  Ways;
---  It   "Shorts"   or   "Short-Circuit"   meaning   Very-Low   or   No-Resistance.
---  It   "Opens"   or   "Open-Circuit"   meaning   Very-High   or   Infinite-Resistance.
---  Or  It is   Broken   or   Misadjusted   or   Miss-Wired   or   is  Wrong Repacement Part.

12A ---   Fuse Blows when you Try to Punch in Single or Nibble Mode.   Caused by Shorted Punch Solenoid Coil  or  wiring,  Normal Coil Resistance  is about  15  Ohms.

12B ---  No Punch in Single or Nibble Mode.
---  Caused by Open Punch Solenoid Coil,  Normal Coil Resistance is about  15  Ohms.
---  Caused by Broken-Wire "Open" going to the  Punch-Piston  &  Solenoid Coil.
---  Caused by Tool Handle Lock-Switch  or  Lock-Switch Wiring being Broken or Open.
---  Caused by Broken  or  Open Switch  in Footswitch  or  Wiring to switch.

12C ---  Machine  Will Punch  with  Tool Handle Open  and  NOT Locked-In.
             ---  Caused by Tool Handle Lock-Switch being Shorted  or  By-Passed.

12D ---  Punches OK in Nibble,  but  Blows Fuse 4FU  and won't Punch in Single Mode.
         ---  Caused by Control Relay CR1 Coil Short,  Normal Resistance about 250 Ohms.
         ---  Caused by Shorted-Wiring  To or From   Single Switch,  1LS,  2CR,  1CR Coil.

12E ---  Punches  OK in Nibble,    No Punch in Single.     Some  Causes;
       ---  Limit Switch LS1 Open.    LS1  is  Normally-Open   &  Closes when Activated!
       ---  Limit Switch LS2 Open.    LS2  is  Normally-Closed   &  Opens when Activated!
       ---  Control Relay CR1 Failed  or  Coil  Open,  Coil About a Couple Hundred Ohms.
       ---  LS1  or  LS2   Wired Wrong.    LS1 is  Normally-Open,   LS2 is  Normally-Closed
            on most Later Machines,   but   Normally-Open  on  Very Early 1960's Machines!
       ---  Wrong Switches used,  Switches Miss-Wired,  or  Switches Misadjusted.

12F ---  Varying Short to Normal Stroke in Single,  Normal Operation in Nibble.
Caused by Limit Switch LS1 Short.   LS1 is  Normally-Open  &  Closes when Activated!

12G   ---  Starts Nibbling when Punch in Single Mode,  must Turn-Off Machine to Stop.
Caused by Limit Switch LS2 Short.   LS2 is  Normally-Closed  &  Opens when Activated!

12H  ---  Fuse 4FU Blows as Punch Ram starts to move down in Single or Nibble.
        ---  Caused by  Burned-Out  &  Shorted  Solenoid Coil,  or  Wiring to Solenoid Coil
        ---  Caused by Control Relay CR2 Coil Short,  Normal Resistance About 2000 Ohms

12i  ---  Machine continues to Punch in Single as long as Foot Petal is Depressed.
          ---  Caused by Control Relay CR2 Open,  Normal Resistance is About 2000 Ohms.

12J  ---  No Punch in Single,  but  Nibble Punches Without Depressing Footswitch.
Caused by Limit Switch LS3 Short.   Note!  Early Machines do Not have this LS3 Switch
which was Added to Eliminate Possibility of Double Punching in Singe-Punch Mode.

12K  ---  Constant Nibble Punching in Single Mode,  Normal Operation in Nibble Mode.
              ---  Caused by Limit Switch  LS3 Open.

12L  ---  1 Punch at Power-On in Single  or  Punching in Nibble 
              without depressing Footswitch.    ---  Caused by Shorted Footswitch or Wiring

12M  ---  3-Phase Fuses Blow.    Caused by;
 ---  Wrong  A.C. voltage to machine or motor & transformer not wired for correct voltage
 ---  Bad  (Shorted)  Press-Drive Motor         
 ---  Stalled Motor from Bad Crankshaft Bearings  or  from  Old  Hardened Grease
 ---  Shorted / Melted  Step-Down Transformer.    Caused by  Wrong  A.C. Voltage  to    
       Machine  or  Big-Loads  Plugged-In  to  120 VAC Machine Power Socket,  like a 
       Cooling Fan.   This Power-Socket was made  ONLY  for a 60 Watt Work-Light!

Note!  Very Early 1960's Machines  WITHOUT  FRONT--LS3  Switch  had  LS2 Switch  on 
Right-Flywheel  wired  Normally-OPEN.    Later Machines had  Wiring Changed  with
Front-LS3 Switch  ADDED  and  LS2 Switch on Right-Flywheel wired  Normally-CLOSED.
LS1 Switch  on  Left Flywheel  has  Always been wired  Normally-OPEN.

Punch-Tooling   Punch-Tooling   Punch-Tooling
I get many Calls on  Where to Buy  NEW  Punch Tooling  &  Dies.
Sadly  and  Quite-Stupidly,   LVD Strippit   Sold-Off  ALL Their  Tooling-Lines,   and
NO Longer Makes   "Strippit Tooling"   that  The Strippit Company  was Named for!
This Type of Tooling  is  NOW Known  as   "Thin Turret Tooling".
Most Strippit  Single-Station SAF-Machines  Use  Only   "Thin Turret Tooling".

A very few Single-Station Machines that had a  CNC-Control Factory-Installed,
like the   "AG's" (Auto-Gageing)   and   "Super 750's",   May have been  
Optioned & Manufactured  to take   "Thick-Turret  /  Long  /  Amada"   Type of Tooling.
I have  6  Hot-Links  to  U.S. Manufactures  of  Punch-Tooling  at  Bottom of Web-Page
"Strippit  vs  Amada"
So,  PLEASE  Go To  THAT   Web-Page  To  See These  6  Tooling Company  Links!!!
 2ND Generation is the "AG's".  Made in Late 1980's & Early 1990's,  Strippit took their Custom 18/30 & Custom 30/30  SAF Machines  and  Bolted-On Cheap  Earlix
Japanese  2-Axis CNC Gageing Control,  to make a  Auto-Gageing (AG)  Machine.
At Left,  is 1987 Vintage Super 30/30AG  Machine with  "Long Tooling"  Option.
--  Earlix Control Co. is  Out of Business!
--  NO  Control Parts  are  Available!
--  NO  Strippit  Support  is  Available!
--  NO  Service  is  Available!
--  AVOID  These  "AG"  Machines!!!
--  AVOID  means don't Fucking Buy one!
CNC  Side-Gage  &  Auto-Gage  Machines
Strictly Speaking,  These are Not  SAF Machines.
They are  Auto-Gageing (AG)  and  NC  &  CNC  Single-Station  Punch Machines.
Strippit has had 4 Generations of these Types of Machines,  ALL  Should Be  AVOIDED!
1St Generation  was  FM36/75 (Fabra-Matic) Machines.  Strippit made Both  Manual 
Super 36/75  SAF Machines  as well as Automatic   NC-Control  Fabra-Matic 36/75 Machines  in 1960's & 1970's with a 
Hughes 200 or General Electric  NC-Control.

NC Controls  had No Memory,  simply read Information from Papertape,  moved  X & Y Axis with the Part-Sheet,  and  Punched when In-Position.   A Program Stop was made when Operator was Required to Manually Change Tool.   No Parts  &  No Service is Available for these Machines.
3ND  Generation  is the   SG750,   FC750SG,   Super750,   Super750SG,   Super750/40,   Super750/40SG,   Which are  Pretty-Much  All the Same Machine  as 
Strippit  Stupidly,  Just  Couldn't make up their Mind on What to Call Them!

In 1990's,  Strippit Finally designed a Decent Auto-Gageing Single-Station Machine,  But Ruined It by putting another Crappy Strippit  PC-Control on it Made with Consumer Type
PC-Computers which are NOT Designed to last more than 3 to 5 Years.  And LVD-Strippit has a Reputation for NOT Supporting Their Old PC-Controls.   In this Case  "Control"  Requires Old PC-Computer that Runs on  DOS  ( DOS  Pre-Windows from Early 1980's! )
 or  Old Windows 95,  so when you have Problems,  you find Newer Computers  and Windows DO NOT WORK on it,  so you Can't Get Parts to fix it!   I get many calls on Super750's with Computer Problems.   Again,  Machine is Good,  BUT  AVOID  because
there is  NO Service,  NO Parts,  NO Tech Support  for  Strippit's  Crappy  PC-Controls!
I would Replace Machine with  Fiber-Laser  or  Amada Turret Punch.
The  4ND Generation  is the  "Alpha's"

These were a  Updated  &  Redesigned Super 750 and were Good Machines that Worked Well,  When New.  Machines used yet Another Version of Strippit's
Crappy  PC-Control, Which is Machine's Problem Area.  Production Started
about 2005  &  ended about 2007.
AVOID  (Don't Fucking Buy)  for Above
NO  PC-Control  Support  Reasons!!!
3 --- 3 1/2" to 1 1/4" Die Adaptor
30-TON Machines came with Die-Pedestal that
Accepts a Standard 3 1/2" Die.
To Use 1 1/4" Tooling you need 1 1/4" Swing-Arm
Tool-Holder and 3 1/2" to 1 1/4" Die Adaptor.
   Punch  Tooling  Sizes!
As there are Thousands of these  S.A.F.  Machines Out-There,  many  New People  & Small-Shops  are Picking-Up these Machines at  Local Shops  or  at Auctions,
and  have  NO  Idea What  The Tooling Sizes Mean,  and  are  Thoroughly Confused.

For Instance,  they  WRONGLY  Measure   "The-Hole"  in their  1 1/4" Holder,  and see
that it is  1 1/2",   and  They Think they need  1 1/2" Tooling,   which  Does  NOT  Exist!

For Standard  "Strippit-Style"  "Thin-Turret"  Tooling,   There has  Only  Been  4  Sizes,
  1 1/4",     3 1/2",     5",    and    2" x 2" Notch   Tooling!

For Example,  1 1/4"  Tooling  means a type of Small-Tooling that can hold a Punch from
 0  to  1 1/4"  in Size.     Obviously,  Punch-Holder  that Holds Tooling  Must be Larger
than Biggest Punch Tool Size.    All  1 1/4"  Type  Punch-Holders are  1 1/2"  in Diameter.
And  By a  Wild--Coincidence,   This is  Same Size  of the  "Hole"  in a   1 1/4"  S.A.F.
Swing-Arm Holder  or  a CNC-Turret   1 1/4" Station,   that the   1 1/4" Tooling Fits into!

----    1 1/4"  Type-Tooling   takes   0"  to   1 1/4"   Punch Sizes,
        and  fits into a  Holder of   1 1/2"  in Diameter.

----    Notch-Tooling   takes  Special   0"  to   2"   Punch Sizes,   but  is Almost Always a
         2" x 2" Square,  and fits into a  Special  Notch-Holder  that is   3 1/2"  in Diameter.

----    3 1/2"  Type-Tooling   takes   0"  to   3 1/2"   Punch Sizes,
         and  fits into a  Holder of   4 3/8"  in Diameter.

----    5"  Type-Tooling   takes   0"  to   5"   Punch Sizes,  and  fits into a
         Holder of   5 7/8"  in Diameter.     Note,  I believe that  5" Thin-Turret Tooling  is 
         NO Longer Manufactured Anywhere,  so  all  5" Holders  &  Tooling is Worthless!
Rare "2 x 2 Notch" Swing-Arm Holder. So Named because they almost always have a 2" x 2" Square Punch in it for Corner-Notching and Blanking-Out Large Holes. These CAN-NOT Hold
a Standard 3 1/2" Tool!
This uses same 2" x 2" Notch Punch
Tool used in "Notch Station #1"
in Older Strippit Turret-Machines.
There were Large 5" Swing-Arm Holders
available for 40 Ton S.A.F. Machines.
These Holders & Stripping-Guides were very Heavy and Hard to Handle. 5" Swing-Arms, 5" Punch-Holders, and 5" Tooling are No Longer Manufactured, so are Now Useless.
10 ---  #49011-200  Solenoid
Solenoids Burn-Out when Failed Switches allow A.C. Power to be on Continuously.   Find Failure or you will  Burn-Out Solenoid again!   "Nibble Mode"  
Punching  can also  Burn-Out Solenoids!   A  Good
Solenoid Coil  is About  15  Ohms ,  a Bad Coil is 
 "Shorted"   Zero Ohms   or    "Open"   Zillions of Ohms.   You have to  Drop Ram-Housing  and 
Rebuild Punch-Head to Replace,  a Pain-in-the-Ass.
Get  Rebuild Kit  Below!   Align  Solenoid-Plunger
with  Slot in Solenoid  or  you will  Smash-It  when
you  Jack-Up Housing back in place!

When Energized, Solenoid  pulls-in Plunger,  
which pulls-up Stop-Bolt,  which Pulls-Up & Closes 
Piston-Valve to Trap-Oil on next Piston down-stroke which pushes Ram down to Hit Punch-Tool.

Over past 60 years Strippit used several Plunger & 
Stop-Bolt combinations to try to improve punching. There were at  Least  6  Stop-Bolt  Types!!!
#71800-000  Short-Type,  1.900" long
#85541-000  Spring-Loaded  int.-thread  3.125" long
#74579-000  Solid  External-Threads  3.281" long
and  Bolts  Must Use  their Matching-Type Plunger!
 We now Stock the
 Most Common   &  Best-Type   Matching--SETs  of;
 #74579-000   Solid  Stop-Bolt,   The Best-Type  and
 #62874-000   Plunger,   for the  Solid Stop-Bolt
11 --  #119951-000  Punch-Head Rebuild Kit.  When you Drop-Down Ram-Housing
         ALWAYS  Rebuild  Punch-Head  with  New  Packing-Rings  &  Ram-Springs!

1 --  #10461-000    Steel Drain-Ball
1 --  #10925-000    Set-Screw, Steel Ball-Retainer
2 --  #11153-000    Retainer-Ring Set-Screws without Ny-Loc,    Or
        #10871-000    Retainer-Ring Set-Screws with Ny-Loc Thread-Lock
3 --  #11143-000    Nylon-Ball,  used under Retainer-Ring Set-Screws,  1-Extra
2 --  We Now Replace Plain Set-Screws & Nylon-Balls with Brass-Tip Set-Screws!
2 --  #10859-000    Flat-Head Socket-Head Cap Screw with Ny-Loc, for Ram-Plate
4 --  #11489-000    Flat-Head Socket-Head Cap Screw,  for Cover-Plate,
                                Note, Some Manuals List Incorrect  #11499-000 for this Part!
1 --  #12593-000    O-Ring
1 --  #16144-000    O-Ring     NOTE!  Not All O-Rings will be used,  as there are
1 --  #14360-000    O-Ring      Different Machine Versions built over 60+ Years!
1 --  #10651-000    O-Ring
1 --  #49509-000    Set of  4  Packing-Rings
4 --  #49516-000    Ram Springs
1 --  Locktite-243  Thread-Locker  for use on all  Screws  &  SetScrews
  Punch-Head  Rebuild Kits

 We have  Punch-Head  Rebuild Kits
 with  Parts Needed  to  Rebuild your
 Strippit   10AA,  15AA,  Super 30/30,
 Custom 30/30,  Sonic 18/30,  
 Custom 18/30,  Custom 30/40,  
 Super 30/30-AG,  18/30AG  
 and   Super 30/40-Mechanical
 ( NOT  30/40-HD )  Punch-Heads.

 Use   Locktite-243  Thread-Locker
Included in Our Kit,
 on the Screws to keep them Tight!
14 ---  #62081-000  Finger Stop Assembly  for Side-Gaging.   Make sure you get
   these when Buying your Machine!  Strippit also made Micrometer Side-Stops
   that could be accurately adjusted for more Precise Gaging than Finger-Stops.
   BUT,  I would have a  DRO  Electronic Scale and Readouts  Fitted to Machine,
             like these   ACU-RITE  DRO  Digital Readout Systems.
The Following is a Few Tips on  Rebuilding the Punch-Head.
Make Sure You Have a Manual  Before  You Start Rebuilding!
  PULL  the  2  Taper-Dowel Pins
  Now you know Why I Have a 
  Dowel Pin Web-Page,
  Click-On  The Link Below!
Block-Up Head so it won't Fall.  You will Need a Allen Hex-Socket Set.  A Pipe makes a Good Torque-Amplifier to Loosen & Tighten Bolts.
I just Put-In  New Hooks & Handles  in this Machine,  as Old Handles would Not 
Lock-In,  and  Swing-Arm could be Rocked Back & Forth,  so it  Ate-Up Tooling.

There is a  1/8" Roll-Pin,  that Sticks-up 3/16",   to Engages Slot in Bottom of each Hook,  to make Hooks Open when you pull Handles so you can Remove Swing-Arm.
Unfortunately,  Pins are Always Broken.
Put in New Pins,  which are in our Kit.

Packing-Ring Retaining-Ring Usually has 
2 Indentations on Bottom for a Special 2-Pin Spanner Wrench, which you can make.
Or you Tighten Ring as much as you can by Hand,  then Tap-It Tighter with a Small Pin-Punch and Small Hammer,  
which  Will  Bugger-Up  Screw-Holes.....

Try  Hard  NOT  to  Bugger-Up  the
Ring  &  Piston  &  Set-Screw  Threads!!!

---  Make Sure Solenoid  and
Solenoid-Plunger  are  Aligned,
or  you could  Break Solenoid
if you  Force-Up Ram-Housing!

---  New Packing-Rings sometimes make it Difficult to get Ram-Piston back into Housing.   A Second Set of Hands can 
Help a Lot!

---  Carefully  Pry-Up  and 
Block-Up  Ram-Housing 
into Position.

---  Thread a Bolt into both 
Dowel Pins,  and  Carefully Tap
Dowels back into their Holes.
Do  NOT  Damage  Special 
Taper Dowel Pins as they are  NO Longer Available!  Do both Sides several times to Locate the Housing Well.   Remove 2 Bolts.

---  Put in the  4  Bolts,  and
     Tighten them  Back & Forth
      Several times.

13 ---  Clean & Lube Tooling  Regularly!
Inside Tools to Prevent Galling & Cold-Welding
between  Punch-Tool  &  Stripping Guide.
AND  Outside of Tools to Prevent Wear on
Stripping Guide  and  Holder  and  Bushing!
Also,  Grease-Up your  Hooks & Handles  to help keep them from Wearing-Out!
This is 1 of the Best Lubes I have used.
Sta-Lube Synthetic Brake & Caliper Grease
Synthetic-Base has High Film-Strength,  does Not Dry-Out and Harden like Regular Grease,
and has  Extreme Pressure Additives
Molybdenum Disulfide   &  Graphite.   A Tub is
Part #SL3303  at  NAPA  and  PEP-Boys Stores.
This Customer Moved & Wired-Up His  Super 30/30 All By Themselves.   But,  they Put the Wrong Voltage on it and Melted Transformer.   Strippit Made these Machines for 40+ Years and Used different Transformers.  It is Difficult to get Exact Transformer to Match Bolt Holes and Limited Space Inside Electrical Cabinet.   We Do Stock a
Heavy-Duty  .35KVA  Replacement Transformer.

In Photo we used  Enclosed  .25 KVA Transformer, 
(.35  or  .5 KVA  is Better)  and  just Mounted it on Back of Control Cabinet.   Quick & Easy to Do.
Remember,  if  Changing  Machine  Voltages;
---  Pull-Motor Out  &  Redo  Voltage Tap-Wires
---  Retap  Transformer  Wires
---  Resize  &  Change Fuses
---  Resize  &  Change  Motor  Overload-Heaters
---  Tag-Machine  with  New Voltage  Information!
Mag Switch Retrofit
One of Many Machines Variations was in  LS1 & LS2  Switches activated by 2 Flywheels.  In 1960's, 1970's,  and 1980's  different Brands of Mechanical Switches  were used,  Allen Bradley,  MicroSwitch,  G.E.,  Etc.    We Only Sell  MicroSwitch Types as they Work Best!

Switches made Constant  "Clacking"  Sound as they were Hit by Flywheel Cams when Machine was On.   Because Switches are  Constantly being Hit Hard by Flywheel-Cams about  Twice a Second  (60,000 Time a 8-Hour Shift!)  when Machine is On,  
Even When Not Punching,  Switch life could be Short.   Turn-Off  Machine if Not Using it!

In Early 1980's,  Switches were converted to Non-Contact Proximity Switch that was activated by Magnets Mounted on 2 Flywheels.   Machines now left Strippit Factory with these Switches as Standard.   Note,  These Switches also will Eventually Wear-Out!

There was also a Retrofit Kit  #105090-000  to Convert Older Machines to this new type 
of Switches,  and many Machines had this Kit Installed in the Field.   
As Machine would No longer make the  "Clacking"  Sound,  a Indicator-Light  was
added to  Upper Panel as part of the Kit to  Alert Shop People that Machine was  "On".
#19274-000     Normally-OPEN  Switch   (Red-Wires Type),        LS1  is on the  Left Side.
#19275-000     Normally-CLOSED  Switch   (Blue-Wires Type),    LS2  is on the  Right Side.
#105092-000   Magnet.    2  are used,   1 Magnet is Mounted on each Flywheel.
After  Over a Half-Century of Production,   LVD Strippit,  In Their 
Retarded Infinite Wisdom,  NO Longer Makes Any Single-Station Machines At All!
1 1/4 Inch
Swing-Arm Holders

These are
Made of Steel,
Not Brittle Iron!
To use Standard 1 1/4" Type Tooling you will Need 1 1/4" Swing-Arm Holder,
Shown Above, and 3 1/2" to 1 1/4" Die Adaptor, shown in Section 2 Below
We Have Brand-New
3 1/2 Inch Swing-Arm Holders For-Sale!

These are Made of Steel,
Not Brittle Iron!

Newbies Now Listen Up!
To use Standard Strippit "Thin-Turret"
3 1/2" Type Tooling, Buy Tool-Set,
of Punch & Die & Stripper-Plate.

Then Install Punch & Stripper-Plate in
3 1/2" Stripping-Guide Punch-Holder
Assembly Shown at Right.

We have a few Good-Used 3 1/2"
Stripping-Guide Assemblies For-Sale.

You then Drop-In
3 1/2" Stripping-Guide Assembly, that is already Loaded with Your Punch & Stripper-Plate, in 3 1/2" Swing-Arm Holder and Lock-It In Tight with
Hooks & Handles into Machine.
Load Die and you are all set. Got It?
2 --- 5" to 3 1/2" & 1 1/4" Die Adaptors 40-TON Super & Custom 30/40
Machines came with 6 1/2" Wide Die-Opening for 5" Dies. For 3 1/2" Dies,
use 5" to 3 1/2" Die Adaptor. For 1 1/4" Dies, use 5" to 1 1/4" Die Adaptor.
Teach Operators to NOT-Cross Punch & Dies as it can Break Die Adaptors!
The Following are Some Good Used Repair Parts that we have Gathered.
These are 1 of a Kind Parts,  so if you need them,  Buy Them NOW,
as when they are Gone,   we are  NOT likely to Ever have them again!

New  Super 30/30
360-Degree  Die Index-Ring

If your Die Index-Ring is
Broken or Missing  we have a
Small-Stock of  New
Stainless-Steel  Index-Rings.

Note !
Ring Needs to be  Aligned with
Index-Tool  or  Alignment-Tool
Barrel Micrometer 
Gaging Stop Assembly with
No Knuckle-Head  Protection.
Dial Indicator
Gaging Stop Assembly
Barrel Micrometer Gaging Assembly.
Assembly has Protective Cage Around Micrometer so  Knuckle-Heads  can't 
Smash it with their Sheetmetal Parts.
These 3 Gaging Stops are hard to find!

Shown Above,  we Sell New  White CR2  Relay   &   Gray Contactor  to replace  Original
CR1 Relay that is No Longer Available.   Strippit Machines were  Wired  MANY Different Ways over 40+ Years of Production.    So,  we Cannot tell you  Exactly how-to wire-in Replacement  CR1.   It's Not that hard,  But  Needs to be Installed  by  Someone who Understands  Electricity & Wiring,  as  Wiring Variations to be Figured-Out at  Installation!
My Friend  Denis Porter  in  "California Shaker".
His Boat did  137 MPH  in  Less Than  8 Seconds in  The  1/4 Mile Drag-Race.
He also Raced Flat-Track Harley's in Younger-Days  and  Flew Ultra-Lite Aircraft!
Denis Got His Last-Wish  7/9/10 at Speed in This Boat on Lake San Antonio, CA.
Rest In Peace  Denis
Remove Ram from Housing assembly to replace 4 Ram Springs.

Don't be like  The Meat-Heads 
that tried to  Beat-Ram  out of this Housing with a  Sledge Hammer!
I had to have their Ram and Housing Re-Machined for  $1000+ after their Attempts at  "Repairs".
Take out  Spiral Retaining-Ring  First!
You can then  Push-Out By-Hand  or
Tap-Out with Brass-Hammer   Ram.

Look at  Diagrams in Your Manual
Before  you try to take it Apart!

 No Manual?   Buy  1  Today!!!
Rams are often Ruined when bottom Striker-Plate gets Loose,  But your   Knucklehead Operator  Keeps-On  Punching-Anyway,  until 
Flat-Head Bolts Break and Bolt Hole Threads are Ripped-Out of Ram.  
New threaded-holes can be Drilled & Tapped by a Good Machine Shop.
---  Make Sure Safety Interlock LS4 Switch Wires  are 
Not Pinched  in Back of Housing when you Bolt-It back to Frame.

---  This Switch Assembly is Made-Up of several Parts that are  Expensive & Difficult  to get so  Do  NOT  Damage Them!

---  Run a File Over Back of Housing  &  Machine Frame
Mounting to Eliminate  All  Burrs
that Cause Tool Miss-Alignment!
A Little Trick from
Dandy-Don Dahlin,  R.I.P.,  from my  Old Strippit Service Days.

When Trouble Shooting Electrical Problems,  Take-Out 
8  Control Panel Screws,  Move
Panel Up  and  Re-Attach it to Top of Electrical Box  with
 2 of the Mounting Screws.

Now you can  Run-Machine  & Troubleshoot Electrical Problems while having Access to Switch Terminal-Strip.

Hint.  Don't Leave Machine On
for Hours & Hours when Not
Using it,  as Ram is Always Going Up & Down,  About
60,000 Times  a  8-Hour Shift,
Wearing-Out  Switches,  Ram Springs,  &  Packing-Rings!!!
Very Hard-To-Find
1 1/4  Inch  Swing-Arm Tool Holder
in Very Good Condition.
Hook & Handle Repair Kit
Only a Limited Quantity of
Hook & Handle Repair Kits are left!

We are Making the LAST
BATCH of these Kits Now!

Hook & Handle  Repair Kit has;
--- Left & Right Hooks
--- 2 Handle Cams
--- 2 Cam Retaining Screws
--- 2 Lock-Pins for 1 Swing-Arm
--- 4 Hook-Slot Roll-Pins,  2-Extra
--- 2 Pivot Roll-Pins
Very Hard-To-Find
3 1/2  Inch  Swing-Arm Tool Holder
in Very Good Condition!

New Tool Lifter-Kit for
1 1/4" Swing-Arm Holder

New 3 1/2" Lifter-Kit for
3 1/2" Swing-Arm Holders

The  Creonics Saga
In 1980's,  a Company called  Creonics Manufactured the  "Panelgage"  which was a Simple  CNC Gageing System  that could be Retrofitted  In-Your-Shop  to Various Machines,  Including  Single-Station Strippit Machines.

On Strippit's,  the Original Strippit Mechanical Gageing System was Removed  (And Then Promptly Lost)  &  Replaced with Programmable
CNC Gageing System.   My Understanding is 
when  New  (30+ years ago)  these Systems worked quite well in certain applications.
However,   I would  NOT  Recommend Buying a Machine with a Creonics,  or any Other,  Retrofit;
---  Creonics is  Long Out-of-Business  as they  
     were  Bought Out by the   Allen Bradley Co.
     which is now part of  Rockwell Automation Co.
---  The Retrofitters that did these are Long Gone
---  NO  Creonics Parts  &  NO Service
---  As Machines have been Bastardized,  so
      Strippit will NOT work on Machines anymore.
---  Can NOT use Manual Gageing Anymore.
---  The Mechanical Parts to Convert Back to 
       Mechanical Gageing are NOT available.

Electronic Labs  like;   (Google  "Creonics")
Test Point Inc.   or  ACCU Electric Motors Co.
New England Computer Controls      or
PLC Talk.Net   Say they Repair Circuit Boards  
But  I  Really Doubt it!   Allen Bradley may Offer a Bit of Control Help.    But,   AVOID  as  You
are  On-Your-Own  with  Retrofitted  Machines!

In the Early 1960's, Strippit used
Old-Style 3 1/2" Swing-Arm Holders
in their S.A.F. Machines.

This Type Swing-Arm does NOT have a Tool-Lifter! Instead, it used Old-Style
3 1/2" Stripping-Guide with 4 Lifter-Springs Built-In to Lift Stripping-Guide.

Old-Style Stripping-Guides are NO longer availableYou can NOT use
New-Style Stripping-Guide in a
Old-Style Swing-Arm as it does Not have Tool-Lifter! Old Swing-Arms can
be Machined to add Lifter-Kit to use New-Style Stripping-Guide Assembly.
Install  4  Packing Rings  Correctly !!!
Solid-Side  of  Each Ring  Goes UP!
Open Lip-Side of each Ring goes DOWN!

Make Sure Retaining Ring is Screwed-On
VERY Tight.  Nylon-Balls on Set-Screws or New Brass-Tip Set-Screws  Hold Ring without Buggering-Up Piston-Threads!  New Kits  use  Brass-Tip  Set-Screws.
Don't Forget to
Replace the 
2 Drive-Belts!

We Stock these
Drive-Belts Sets

If your  Ram Retaining-Ring  is
Missing,  Bent,  or  Broken,
We now Stock the 
Special  Spiral Retaining-Ring
located at 
Top of the  Ram-Housing.
Proper Switch Actuation is  Critical  on these Punch Machines!   "Off-Brand"  Substitute Switches and Worn-Out Switches & Switch Arms Cause a Variety of Punching Problems.
When in Doubt we  Replace   LS1  (Left)  &  LS2  (Right)  Switches  with Part  #49790-040. With Correct Switches,  we  Set  Arm-Rollers to Not-Quite Touch Flywheel  and  Switch would Activate  (Switch)  Half-Way Up Cam.  This  ONLY  Works With  Correct  5-Degree
Switches!   Put Drop of Oil on Center of Roller so it Rolls & Not-Drags Cutting a Groove 
in Cams.  LS3  Double-Punch Prevent-Switch  (Center)  is Part  #12979-000.  Very Early 1960's Machines did Not have LS3 Switch & Wired Differently, LS2 wired Normally-Open!
Later  Vertical-Type LS3  was added,  Finally Changed to  Horizontal-Type LS3  Switch.
We Stock  The Correct
LS1,  LS2,  and   LS3

Note!  A few  Early 1960's Machines had 
LS3  Mounted Vertically
with a  Vertical-Roller,
(Instead of Horizontal-Roller)
or even  No LS3 Switch at all!
We  Stock  LS1  &  LS2  Mag-Switches   &   Switch-Magnets
In the Late 1960's  &  Early 1970's  Some 
Single-Station Machines were built with 2 
of these Early Magnetic Sensors that Detected Metal.   Sensors did Not work well,  have NOT been Manufactured for Decades,  and are Not Available Anywhere.
These  Old  LS1  &  LS2   Sensors were  
1"  x  3 1/2"  Long.

When you have Trouble with these,  you will Need to Install  Mechanical Switches 
or  Mag-Switch Retrofit Kit  to Repair.
Left & Right Handles
New Handles are NOT Available!

REBUILD Your Handles with
New Cams in our
Hook & Handle Repair Kit Below!

Left & Right Hooks
We Do Have a Very Small Supply of Refurbished
1 1/4"  and  3 1/2"  Swing-Arm Holders,  As Shown Below
Machine Technologies Co.
Strippit   Single-Station  Punch-Machine   Repair-Parts   and
Strippit  CNC HECC80 Control   &  Turret Machine  Service

Phone:  704-233-5229

Have Your Machine   MODEL Number  AND  SERIAL Number
 From the  Machine  I.D.-Plate  When You Call !
Emailing  a  PHOTO of Machine   I.D.-Plate  is also VERY Helpful!
Email Address  is
 Finger-Stops!   Finger-Stops  are Normally 
 Tapped  Back & Forth  into Position.
 Do  NOT  be a  Knuckelhead  using a  Steel Hammer!!!
 Get  Brass Hammer  #5978A52  from  McMaster-Carr  Co.